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NEKO Pride, March 01 2017

We at NEKO know that sometimes life gets busy and time is precious. So, we've compiled a list of helpful products to save you time when you need it the most while keeping your kitty as happy as possible. 

Flushable Litter: Perhaps the greatest invention for those of us who hate having the stinky stuff hanging around in a bag is clumping litter that you can flush straight down the toilet. The litter is made by World's Best Cat Litter and comes in a variety of types including scented and multi-cat.

Interactive Toys: Nothing is better than quality time playing with your cat, but interactive toys can be used in a pinch to entertain your cat while you clean house or do homework. Interactive toys range from twists on classics like this tower-like cat toy to sensor activated toys like this one. Both are available here.

Cat Hammocks: Keep kitty off the furniture (sometimes), by giving them their own place to lay under your chair. Here is one of our favorite cat hammocks.

Rubber Gloves: For those unavoidable times your cat decides that the couch is more comfy than all the cat trees, hammocks, and perches you've probably spent hundreds on... keep a set of rubber gloves like these on hand to wipe off the excess hair. For clothes, try rubbing over the hair-infested area to remove the hair. 

Timed Feeders: Sometimes nights get longer than we plan, and waking up bright and early to feed fluffy is not the ideal option. Consider investing in a automatic feeder and savor those precious hours of sleep. You can find a wide range of feeders at your local pet store or online. However, be sure to check with your veterinary on what type of food is best for your kitty.

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