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NEKO Pride, March 08 2017

Not everyone can afford to spend hundreds of dollars on toys and hiding places for their cats. That's why the NEKO team has compiled a list of six DIYs you can use to create something awesome for your feline friend (or friends) without breaking the bank.

We surfed the web for a few days and here are some of our favorites.

First on our list is a compilation of recipes for homemade cat treats your furbaby will love including Cheesy Goodness, Tuna Special, and Catnip Crumbles. Check out the full list of recipes here

Next, we found a homemade cat tree for your rambunctious feline to release their inner kitten. Video by: Shaina Ensing on YouTube. 

If your kitty prefers small spaces, try this easy to make cat tent made from cardboard, hangers, and an old t-shirt. Video by: Purina Friskies on YouTube

Keep your cat entertained for hours with this easy to make puzzle toy for your cat. Courtesy of PLTube on YouTube. 

Our next DIY is an indoor cat garden which is especially favorable to those of us with indoor cats and can be easily personalized based on the plants your cat likes.  

**BONUS: Click here for the benefits of cat grass and a list of plants that are safe for cats to eat**

When its time for Fluffy to relax, try this no-sew cat hammock made of fleece and PVC piping.

Click here for a step-by-step tutorial. Tutorial and photos by Bailey at becomingbailey.com.

Top photo courtesy of DIYnetwork.com

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