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NEKO Pride, August 12 2016

*This post was migrated from our old site and lost all of the images. =^.^=

August is usually the hottest month of the year in Seattle and other parts of the country. Not only do we experience the heat, but so do our pets and it's our job to keep them cool and comfy.

Even though most of us here in Seattle don't have AC to help our babies through the hottest months, NEKO Cat Cafe knows there are lots of other great alternatives to keepin' your kitty a cool cat. 

1. Set up a fan in their favorite hangout in the house.

This kitty cat couldn't be comfier! 

2. Put ice cubes in their water bowl.

It's a great way to encourage your cat to stay hydrated even while you're not home.

3. Keep the shades drawn to block out harsh sunlight.

Obviously, the more light you let in, the more your home's temperature rises!

4. Keep the house ventilated.

NEVER leave your cat locked up in the house all day without some air-flow. Having more than one window open will help to create a nice little cross-breeze. 

5. Wrap an ice pack in a towel and put it in their bed.

Cats should be resting when it's super hot outside so they don't overheat from too much playtime.

6. Make a catcicle!

Everyone loves cold treats in the heat, so why wouldn't your little fluff ball? You can freeze some wet food and put it into cute molds. Click here for a recipe! 

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