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NEKO Pride, June 28 2016

*This post was migrated from our old site and lost all of the images. =^.^=

Cats are cute, fluffy, hilarious, snuggly -- and even better when they're wearing outfits. For this week's photo contest, NEKO Cat Cafe threw together a little outfit inspiration. Enjoy! We can't wait to see what you come up with.

Want to join the contest? Check out our Facebook or Instagram for details. The cut off date is this Thursday, June 30th at 5 p.m.!

We think we know who won the award for "Best Ugly Christmas Sweater."

Tune in next week for the latest episode of Tabbies in Tiaras.

This guy is so cute we can hardly bear it.

Have you heard my latest mixtape?

The ruby red rocker keepin' it real.

Shy as a sheep.

The ultimate chick magnet.

Keep Up with the Kitties on Social
